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Editorial Photography
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Uppsala - traditional university town in Sweden.
Toy City - Los Angeles
Panama - The Canal
Saving the Oil for America
The Guild of Professional English Butlers
Baku, Oil City
New York Stories
Green Living in Battery Park City
Tyler - Texas Rose Festival

Toy City - Los Angeles


©Charly Kurz / Lookat.
This is a photoessay about Los Angeles - it's street photography at the borderline of reality. Is it a movie-set or is it real?

What is it that makes Los Angeles unique? Do the people behave different than somewhere else? Maybe the answer lies only in the resource of endless space?
The story is a promenade from Santa Monica to Downtown. It is a very slow and precise observation of the neighbourhoods on the way. Normally the distance is passed with high speed on the Highway 10, between hundreds of other huge cars cruising around.
But behind the next exit you'll find lonely people in an endless sourrounding that seems to be designed for movies.

Beverly Hills. Los Angeles, »Toy City«, USA 2000
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